In the moment

In the moment

In the moment

The kids are in love, and so sweetly
you can see it melting out of them,
see gravity getting smashed into
a million pieces beneath their feet
as they bounce along, occasionally
touching down because they can.

In their free hands, the ones not
holding the other’s, they clutch balloons
painted in colours we can no longer see,
inflated with their restless thoughts of
an unmapped future, raw materials
yet to be processed into anxieties.

Don’t you remember the first days of our
being? The damage we caused to gravity?
Our balloons? How the brilliant shock
of it interrupted time itself, and made
the future evaporate, while we failed to
notice ourselves not breathing properly?


first published in Tales from the Forest, Issue 5, 2017

6 thoughts on “In the moment

  1. Fantastic reflection of innocence at the beginning of life and how it changes over time. I especially liked these lines,
    “inflated with their restless thoughts of
    an unmapped future, raw materials
    yet to be processed into anxieties.”

    Liked by 1 person

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